Queer Asylum and the EU Return System: Challenges and Risks

virtuelles Symposium, Queer Asylum and the EU Return System: Challenges and Risks, online, Teilnahme kostenlos, Veranstaltungssprache ist Englisch, veranstaltet vom Queer European Asylum Network (QUEAN)

The EU Dublin III-return system risks jeopardizing the transfer safeguards for LGBTIQ+ refugees and asylum seekers within the EU. This symposium examines the challenges the EU Dublin III-return system creates for LGBTIQ+ asylum claimants – particularly considering the increasingly politically motivated homo- and transphobia in some EU member states – and seeks to amplify best practices for the protection of LGBTIQ+ identifying asylum claimants within the EU. How are rights-based protections enshrined within the European Charter of Human Rights (ECHR) and that apply to LGBTIQ+ refugees and asylum seekers living in EU reception countries uphold in the context of Dublin III? How should human rights standards be guaranteed within national and local legal frameworks and practices? We ask.


  • 9.15-9.30am: Welcome

    Welcome message by QUEAN and GWI


  • 9.30-11.15am: Panel Discussion

    Protection Standard Criteria for LGBTQI+ Asylum Claimants for Readmission to “Safe” EU Third Countries under Dublin III (CEAS)

    Moderation: Eirene Chen (Independent Specialist on SOGIESC Forced Displacement, formerly UNHCR)

    Panelists: Eleni Tsetsekou (Head of the SOGI Unit, Council of Europe); Akram Kubanychbekov (Senior Advocacy Officer, ILGA); Suma Abdelsamie (trans* activist and consultant); Ronja Corell (Asylum Lawyer, Munich)


  •  11.30am-1.30pm: Roundtable

    Building Networks of Solidarity between LGBTIQ+ movements in Germany and Eastern Europe

    Moderation: Danijel Cubelic (ECCAR) and Lilith Raza (LSVD)

    With contributions from Milena Adanczewska (Humanity in Action Fellow, Poland); Biljana Ginova (ERA – LGBTI Equal Rights Association for Western Balkans and Turkey); Krisztina Orbank (Transvanilla Transgender Association, Hungary); Knud Wechterstein (Rainbow Refugee Support Frankfurt, Germany).

    Registration is free via this Eventbrite Link (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/queer-asylum-and-the-eu-return-system-challenges-and-risks-tickets-190932764037)

    Organizer: Queer European Asylum Network (QUEAN, http://queereuropeanasylum.org/the-network). QUEAN is an umbrella organization founded in 2019 that brings together NGO practitioners, LGBTIQ+ refugees and activists and academics working on LGBTQ+ migration and asylum in Europe. QUEAN is committed to putting the lived experience of queer asylum at the center of its approach. Sponsor: Gunda Werner Institute (Heinrich Böll Foundation)


25 Nov. 2021


9:15 - 13:30

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